Monday, September 21, 2015

Fixit Clinic CXXI (#121): Albany Community Center and Library

Fixit Clinic CXXI (#121) at the Albany Community Center and Library had a "Spotlight on Sewing Machines" theme. It was held in conjunction with the Albany Clothing Swap and Swap-o-rama-rama In addition to sewing machines and sergers we fixed a ton of electronics stuff, mended fabric, altered clothes, etc: a hot time on a hot afternoon!

More photos from Fixit Clinic CXXI (#121) can be seen on Google+ here:

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Clocks Seen At Fixit Clinic

As part of our ongoing outreach and informational services we've assembled this handy photo collage from various Fixit Clinics of examples of clocks and who might have them -- just in case this might be helpful to someone in the future. ‪#‎standwithahmed‬

See the entire collection of clock photos on Google+ at